Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

November 20, 2020 | by BMI Staff

If you are like us, maybe you hate the pressure of keeping daunting or time-consuming New Year’s Resolutions. So why not make some that are built to last? We could all use a bit of the sunshine and happiness that comes with turning over a new leaf as we head out of the year end. Take a look at these suggestions for making the most of your new year right off the bat!

Set Reasonable Goals

It is easy to set big goals such as losing a bunch of weight or cutting out all unhealthy foods from your diet. What is not quite as easy, however, is keeping these large and life-altering goals in the long-term. We all know that gym attendance skyrockets at the beginning of every year, but it dwindles just as rapidly in the second or third month. Why? Because goals are not set realistically, and burnout sets in very quickly when that is the case. If you want to lose weight in the upcoming year, start out by taking small steps with the idea that they will gradually increase over time. For the month of January, make it your goal to take a certain number of steps each day, or squeeze in five walks a week with your family. As this becomes more easy to accomplish, both physically and as a part of your scheduled routine, increase the amount of exercise you accomplish each week in a way that is comfortable and attainable for you. Increase your walking speed to a light jog, or use free weights to build up your strength after each walk. 

Set Joyful Goals

Not all New Year’s Resolutions have to be rooted in tasks that don’t inherently spark joy. Consider setting a goal for yourself that immediately provides you with happiness. Examples of this may include cooking with your family once a week or scheduling a weekly date night with your spouse. When life gets a little too busy or, say, a pandemic sweeps the globe, it can be difficult to carve out time for life’s simple pleasures. Maybe the best resolutions moving into next year will be the ones that wash us with a feeling of contentment.

Set Selfless Goals

It is easy to get lost in all the ways society prompts us towards self-improvement, but what if we all chose resolutions that were selfless in nature? The world doesn’t just need shelter volunteers of canned food drives around the holidays. One of the best ways to achieve a purposeful existence is to give. Whether that be through charitable giving of time, money, special skills, or a 5-second compliment to a stranger on the sidewalk, consider what you might have to give to others and work it into a resolution that is meaningful to you. Have you ever been upset by a human rights or animal welfare issue in your town? Think about something meaningful you can do to help the cause, and get ready to receive some serious joy from making a difference. 

Whatever resolutions you choose for the upcoming year, know that your BMI family is here to support you however we can. Call your agent today to ensure your policy is up-to-date and ready for the risks that a new year may bring. Afterwards, sit back and enjoy that brand new leaf!