National Preparedness Month

August 23, 2021 | by BMI Staff

Disasters can occur at any time, and without the proper preparation, it can blindside and devastate a family far too quickly. National Preparedness Month is observed in September to bring attention to the reasons for and the ways to prepare for emergencies that could happen any time. The theme for 2021 is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.”

Each week, this month, a new phase of preparation is discussed. We’ll include all of the weekly discussion topics, below, so you and your family can begin brainstorming and preparing at your earliest convenience. 

Week 1: Make a Plan

The plan portion has to be the most important piece to nail down, and early on. Everyone involved in your disaster plan, whether that be just your immediate family or includes surrounding neighbors and nearby friends, needs to know the plan. 

Week 2: Build A Kit

Now that everyone knows their part to play in the plan, you can get started on building your kit. The supplies you gather should last several days after a disaster, and there should be enough for each person. Next, consider the unique needs of each person and pet in case a quick evacuation is necessary. Use the buddy system for those who may need assistance. 

Week 3: Prepare for Disasters

Take advantage of good-weather days to fortify your home against weather events. Remember to also go over your insurance coverages and find out whether there are gaps you can’t afford, should disaster hit. 

Week 4: Teach Youth About Preparedness

This part of the plan is important, especially for your youngest family members who may have never seen a disaster first hand. It’s hard to prepare for something you’ve never experienced or can’t fully comprehend. Teach your family the warning signs for the types of disasters that occur in your region. Become familiar with local weather channels and apps. Give them tasks for the disaster plan that they can easily tend to, keeping their mind off of the danger and on something productive may help ease their anxiety later.